I am a trend forecaster
I have a back full of tattoos.
I live in Tokyo.
I am friends with Diablo Cody
I get a manicure every week
I own a flower shop
My compost is not infested by fruit flies
I never have body odour
I never have to chop onions, or make a béchamel
Babies never poop
I can have my cake, eat it too and not gain a pound
There is a cure for rheumatoid arthritis
I can successfully pull off suspenders
There is no television
Celine Dion is neither making music nor famous
I work/contribute to a design magazine
Dangerous new blog for you. Uproariously hilarious, and makes you feel really guilty and stupid. Love that. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/
Uh, Emeline, I've lived in that world where babies never poop,and trust me, it is no fun.
Banana's, cream, and coconut? Bring it, please.
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