
Ansel Villedary

Hilary once found me in tears in the Photography section of Chapters. The tears were neither caused by a hangover, an evil boy nor my mother. Nope. These were real tears inspired by Ansel Adams.
Taos Pueblo, New MexicoTaos Pueblo, New MexicoTaos Pueblo, New Mexico

So when my sister sent me her photos from New Mexico, the same emotions were triggered. Photos by Gwen Villedary (click them to see them large scale, the small format doesn't do them justice).


Anonymous said...

WOW. I think the first one is my favorite... but that's a really hard call to make. I thought they WERE Ansel Adams at first.

Unknown said...

wow is right... i've been to Taos, liked it... but gwenn made it look really good.

when the heck did she go?