
On a musical note...

Has anyone heard this? Sean somethingarather played it on his CBC morning show and me thinks it's the best song ever recorded. Ever.


foucault123 said...

oh man, he put out a whole album, it's all awesome. LOL

I hadn't seen the video before though, so thanks for sharing it.

Was it Pulp who wrote that song, or were they covering it also?


ABraveTonedTimidGirl said...

strange. she went to st. martins too. maybe i can run into her and she could give me some monies so i don't have to live like common people.

Hilary said...

remember when we thought William Shatnerpants was the funniest thing we had ever heard?

Emeline said...

Pulp wrote the original song and this cover was done in collaboration with Joe Jackson and the always amazing Ben Folds

Emeline said...

Stephanie- it always makes me giggle when I hear St-Martins College... don't worry about the monnies, they'll come to you. Heck, you're the most talented person I know- if you can't make it, no one can!! We miss you...