
Spring Inspiration!

So I'm listening to an old favorite album that reminds me of spring time. The spring semester of my second year in design school. Back when my wardrobe was fun and the booze was a'flowin. There were no babies.
Here's what JCrew is offering up for this spring... (yes, more envy) Oh and I'm way too lazy to link back to all this stuff. I have faith that you can find it all if you really need to.

I just wrote really lame captions for these outifits, but deleted them. Trust me, it's for the best.

So there is a small part of my Spring 08 wish list. Aaaah but I must remind myself that all clothing that graces this body immediately turns to rags. Like Cinderella, but in reverse. Note to self: only wear grocery store clothing. Items must cost less that $15.
Oh and Urban Outfitters (which use to be Mecca for me) has a blog? It's a bit much, but they've got some great music recommendations.
She & Him
I love Zooey Deschanel.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Look how effing cute Zooey Deschanel is!! God I love her.