
Love and Hate for the Weekend


Falling asleep doing the crossword
Rotisserie chicken on Friday nights
28 Days Later
Hot baths with eucalyptus foaming stuff
Mateo's obsession with sunglasses
Storytime en famille on the bed
Cashmere socks
Charlie Rose
Rocky Montana's takeover of Avanti on Sherb.
Watching Bruno play with the boys


Waking up every hour to a restless, hungry baby
Sesame seeds on the kitchen floor (damn those bagels)
Blowing my nose and thinking I'm going to pass out
Folding laundry (it never ends)
Rotting lettuce in the fridge
10 hrs of cumulative sleep over the weekend
Matt Lauer
The writer's strike
Matt Lauer
Buying produce at Loblaws (what a ripoff!)

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