
Sweet Fine Day

Marshmallow Sampler Pack from Whimsy&Spice

I think it was Holly from Decor8 who mentioned that she had ordered a sampler pack from Whimsy & Spice. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Is there anything the Internet CAN'T DO" I asked myself? Intrigued by the idea of delivery baked goods I immediately followed the link and ended up discovering the most beautiful space. Husband and wife team of art directors, designers and pastry chefs Jenna and Mark seem to have it all figured out and document it beautifully.
Now I know I've said this before, but SERIOUSLY, everything these people do is golden. THE BLOG has become my homepage and the basis for many fantasies about my future. Her photography, her writing , the fact that she has two little ones (one picky & one terrible twos) all these things just have me hypnotized. So that's my recommendation of the day. Whimsy & Spice. The End.


Anonymous said...

I just spent a half an hour in awe and laughing non-stop. She needs to be our new friend.

Emeline said...

I'm so happy to have you back! Did you notice the ballet leotards that the girls wear? they're outrageous.