
Another green building

Ann Demeulemeester’s store in Seoul, South Korea
Pretty neat, eh? Thank you Inhabitat!
Speaking of green...
If you don't have time (like me) to make your own green cleaning products... or don't feel like having your wallet raped by Seventh Generation, Clorox has just launched greenworks .These cleaning products, made from plant-based ingredients are set to hit the shelves this month. You might remember Clorox from such corporate acquisitions as the 913 million dollar purchase of Burt's Bees.
Both Clorox and Burt's Bees are being heavily criticized by green circles and environmental groups.
"Who likes Burt's Bees now that it's been bought by Clorox?" Alison Stewart, a host on National Public Radio, said in November. "You know, just slap some bleach on your lips, it'll all be good.
Business now have no choice. It's either go green or go home and providing consumers with affordable 'ecological' cleaning products is definitely one way to charm yourself into peoples' homes.

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